5 most effective energy healing techniques and how they work: Bhaktamar Mantra Healing
Energy healing is a traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul. This technique works directly with the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being. It is used to treat various medical conditions, especially ailments related to mental health. It addresses the illness caused due to disturbance of the energy flow in the body. It is believed that when the energy flow gets fixed, the person automatically gets cured. There are different types of energy healing techniques, which work differently to heal a person. Here are the 5 most important types of energy healing techniques: Reiki Healing The word Reiki is made from two Japanese words called- 'Rei' meaning "God’s wisdom" and Ki meaning “energy”. This therapy is provided to a person along with traditional medicine to cure an illness. In this therapy 'ki' or the energy is used to help others. Lots of hand movement techniques and specifi...