How to set up a WordPress blog for free How to set up a WordPress blog.

Start by choosing a homepage layout.
Then choose a theme
Next, create a free blog domain name
Choose the free plan for bloggers
Create your account
Start blogging for the world 1. Choose a homepage layout
The first step is to choose a homepage layout for your free WordPress blog. There are four possible options.

I would recommend "A list of my recent posts" as this is the most common format for a blog.

If you are a photographer or have really nice photos, you should choose "A grid of my recent posts".

For businesses, "a welcome page for my website" or "an online store" is best.

First step to sign up for WordPress
The first step in signing up for a free WordPress blog is to create a layout 2. Choose a theme.
A theme is what your blog looks like. Do not worry - you can change the theme, including colors and images, later!

If you choose something that matches what you are looking for now, you'll save yourself some time later.

Theme Options
Theme options 3. Choose a subdomain (blog address/blog name).
Unfortunately, it's quite difficult to find a unique and memorable blog address on WordPress.com, as most are already taken.

Here is what I tried to get: StartBlogging, StartABlog, StartABlogOnline - but they were all unavailable.

Eventually I managed to register, but the blog name was pretty clumsy - StartABlogWebsiteNow.wordpress.com, so I just discarded it.

Should I buy a domain name?

If you are considering buying your own domain, WordPress.com is not the best place to do it. However, I do have a guide for buying a domain blog name.

Do not worry - you do not have to buy a domain from WordPress to use their blogging software.

Which blog name should I choose?

I suggest you keep searching until you find something good. Take some time and brainstorm ideas and names. If you can not decide, it's okay to use your real name.

Some of the most famous bloggers have their names in the domain, and you are not locked into writing about a specific topic.

4. choose a plan
Once you have completed the basic steps above (including your blog name), you need to click on the "Choose Free" button.

It is not necessary to use the paid version as it is quite expensive and does not offer you many benefits. In fact, you can get the same service cheaper from my favorite hoster here.

5. create your account and sign in.
Email Address: This is, of course, the email address you use most often. In my case, that would be a Gmail account.

Username: Does not really matter. I tried to use my personal name, but unfortunately it was already taken. If your desired username is not free, then add a few numbers until it's unique. Do not worry, this will not be the name of your blog.

Password: Strong password! I recommend you use special characters like "^^" or "(/&#" and different numbers. There have been a lot of nasty hackers trying to break into blogs lately.


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