How Can Mock Tests Help You To Prepare for CLAT 2023? Law Prep tutorial Lucknow

 How to prepare for CLAT 2023 using practice tests?

Plan ahead - "A goal without a plan is just a wish". Planning plays a very important role when it comes to taking practice tests. You should plan in advance which sections you will do at the beginning and which sections you will do at the end of the CLAT practice test. It is always advisable to answer the questions you are 100% sure about first and then move on to the next section.

Identify Frequently Asked Questions - After attempting each and every practice test, try to identify the major topics from which questions are frequently asked and if you are not able to solve these questions, prepare them well, list the topics and make them an A.

Choose the time of the test wisely - Since the CLAT 2023 exam is in the afternoon between 2pm and 4pm, get in the habit of taking the practice test in the afternoon. If you have made a habit of sleeping in the afternoon, try to change this habit as it will be a problem for you at the time of the actual exam. So, to do well in the actual exam, always choose your practice test times wisely,

Identify weak areas - The purpose of practice tests is to identify the gray areas or the areas where we cannot perform well. Try to figure out these areas and then practice that particular area or section well.

How to take the practice test for CLAT 2023?

To get the maximum score, you should follow the tips and tricks below:

Determine your trial order - You should always determine the trial order that best suits you, rather than copying someone else, because only you know your strengths and weaknesses.

3 Sections should be super strong - In CLAT UG there are 5 sections out of which at least 3 sections should be super strong where no one can match you. These 3 sections can vary from person to person, but ideally there should be 3 sections where you score above 80%.

Try to answer more than 120 questions - The number of attempts in an exam paper varies depending on the difficulty of the paper, but you should always aim high and try to answer at least 120+ questions.

Try to increase your speed and accuracy - You might have answered some questions incorrectly or you might have known some questions but could not answer them. To solve this problem, you should increase your reading speed by solving sectional tests. These are the two types of questions that decide your score and rank. Divide them into two types:

Questions that were not worked on because a) you did not know the concept - you need to work on this b) you know the concept but cannot apply it - more practice will help you.

Things to keep in mind when taking mock exams from CLAT:

Read the questions correctly: due to lack of time and anxiety, many students do not read the questions correctly and therefore tick wrong answers.

Do not try to answer time-consuming questions first: by doing so, you will waste time unnecessarily and end up losing points in the sections that are easy and quick to solve. So always try the easy and short questions first and then move on to the longer ones, as each question scores the same amount of points .


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