Top Branches Of Engineeering In India - ITM Lucknow

Engineering is a very good career option if you have a passion of doing new things. Engineering Is all about creativity and thinking skill and also engineering are the some of the most high paying jobs in the world. If you thinking to pursue engineering then pursue from a good college. I would like to suggest you the Best Engineering College In Lucknow. 

 Computer Engineering (CSE):

Nowadays we are on the way to computerization and modernization in our social and professional life. CSE is one of the most sought-after disciplines in engineering. It involves the design and understanding of computational processes and programming languages.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE):

This branch involves the study of a wide range of technologies. These engineers are responsible for designing, developing, testing, and monitoring the production of electrical and electronic equipment and machines. Broadcast and telecommunications systems, electric motors, controls of machinery, lighting and wiring in building complexes, vehicles, aircraft, radar and navigation systems, power generation, control and transmission equipment used by electric utilities are all examples of equipment built by these engineers.

Mechanical Engineering (ME):

This discipline applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science to the design, analysis, manufacture, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering concerned with the design, manufacture, and operation of machines. It is one of the oldest and most comprehensive engineering disciplines.

The field of mechanical engineering requires an understanding of the core areas of mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity.

Civil Engineering:

Civil engineering is one of the best and oldest branches of engineering. It involves the design, construction, development, and supervision of tunnels, roads, buildings, highways, dams, and sewage systems.

Aerospace Engineering:

Aerospace engineering is the most challenging and interesting career option. Students interested in rockets, satellites, and airplanes usually choose aerospace engineering. It deals with the development of new technologies in the field of aerospace and defense systems. It involves the design and manufacture of high-tech systems.

Aerospace engineering is divided into two areas - aeronautical engineering and space engineering. Aeronautical engineering specializes in airplanes, rockets, and helicopters. Space engineering, on the other hand, includes space shuttles, rockets and space stations.


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