Short Note On Quora - Digital Marketing Hindi

 Quora is an online forum where your can ask or answer the queries since it has a large audience you can grow your business i recommend you to read the full article What is Quora in Hindi?

Are you tired of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and numerous other social media platforms simply not generating enough traffic for your website?

Then this article and platform is for you. Quora not only generates 5-10% of my monthly blog traffic, but it also helps position me as a thought leader in the topics I write about.

What is Quora.

Quora is a community-driven question and answer website. The platform is visited by more than 100 million people each month. Pinterest Board & Pin SEO

It's a board (like Reddit) for anyone and everyone who knows something about something to talk, share, discuss, link, and build authority. Here is what the home page of your Quora feed looks like.

You can follow as many topics as you want to see relevant content, in this case questions and answers.

Every time you answer a question, it is distributed to everyone who follows that topic or question, which can be hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people who will notice you and your answer.

You can also receive specific questions from Quora or from specific people you consider experienced in a certain field, and you can choose to answer those specific questions or not.Also read: 5 content syndication platforms every blogger needs to grow their audience

Why should you use Quora?

Reason #1: It can help you get valuable and consistent traffic for your blog.

Quora traffic

Remember - 100 million people.

Even if you hope to reach 0.01% of that monthly audience, that's a whopping 10000 targeted users who came to your blog because they found your answer interesting.

Unlike other social media platforms, you only need to answer once, and you'll be seen by the same users over a long period of time. I have answered more than 40 questions, some of which included links to relevant articles on my blog, and that brings me almost 5% of my total traffic.

Also, sometimes the answers on Quora show up on Google even before the wiki answers show up. For a new blogger, that's like getting a hit on a search engine!

Now imagine building that audience on a regular basis. It's fun, engaging, and a refreshing new way to generate visitors who are looking for the exact solution you want to provide.

Reason #2 It can help you become an authority in your niche.

Apart from guest posts, you can assume that not everyone will know who you are and what you do, let alone what you are good at or what you can teach them.

Using Quora as a Q&A platform can come in handy here. If you can answer some important questions comprehensively and repeatedly, and get upvotes (equivalent to Likes on Facebook), you'll reach god status, so to speak, on Quora.

What happens when that happens? People take you seriously. They stalk your profile and your blog. And who does not want that?

In short, Quora blog syndication is a great way to develop and build your authority in a particular niche and gain some interesting followers along the way.

Reason #3 It can give you ideas for your next posts.

Maybe an indirect benefit, but by no means a minor one. If you invest a lot of time in developing a content strategy on Quora, you will undoubtedly start to see patterns.

For example, I saw the question "How do I start a travel blog" at least 20 times and had nearly 500+ people ask a similar question. This made me realise that while there is general guidance on how to get started blogging, there is no detailed guidance specifically for travel bloggers. I also log into the Quora app often and sometimes browse for potentially topical questions to get new ideas.

So I created a step-by-step guide for travel and lifestyle bloggers.

And you know what? It's my most shared post on this blog. AND brings me a lot of traffic from Quora related to the same questions I answered. It's a win-win situation.

What's the best way to use Quora?

Step 1: Create a solid Quora account and profile.

Sounds logical, but many people just do not spend enough time on it. A good profile should ideally have a personal story, a hint of what you do for a living, have at least one link to your blog, and tell people exactly how you can make their lives better.

Creating a solid profile has two goals.

A. To get them to follow you.

B. To get them to click on your blog link.

Building authority would come later when you have answered 100-200 questions and built a significant audience that follows you and understands what you are doing. Here is how I did it.


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