Value Of Education In Human Life - ITM Lucknow

Education plays an important role in a human life. Just as food,water and air is necessary for human education is also necessary for human. If you are looking for a college in India the I would like to mention the Best engineering college in Lucknow , India  

Education is the most important factor in the shift toward sustainable development, as it strengthens people's abilities to turn their visions for society into reality. Education provides not only scientific and technical skills, but also the motivation and social support to pursue and apply them. For this reason, society must be deeply concerned that much of current education falls far short of what is required. When we say this, it accurately reflects the imperatives in all cultures for everyone to take responsibility for improving quality.

Improving the quality and openness of education and refocusing its goals to recognize the importance of sustainable development must be among society's highest priorities. This is not only about the environment, but about every component of life.

We therefore need to clarify the concept of education for sustainable development. This has been one of the greatest challenges for educators in the last decade. The importance of sustainable development in educational institutions, the appropriate balance between peace, human rights, citizenship, social justice, environmental and developmental issues in already overloaded curricula, and the possibilities of integrating humanities, social sciences and arts into what has been considered and practiced as a branch of science education.

Some argued that education for sustainable development risks programming, while others wondered whether asking schools to take a leadership role in the transition to sustainable development is asking too much of teachers.

These debates were exacerbated by the desire of many NGOs, particularly from the environmental sector, to contribute to education planning without the requisite understanding of how education systems work, how educational change and innovation occur, and what relevant curriculum development, professional development, and pedagogical values look like. Others failed to recognize that effective educational change takes time and criticized governments for not acting more quickly.

Consequently, many international, regional, and national initiatives have contributed to an expanded and refined understanding of the importance of education for sustainable development. For example, Education International, the largest umbrella organization of teachers' unions and associations in the world, issued a declaration and action plan to promote sustainable development through education.

Common to all is the need for an integrated approach, with all communities and government agencies working together to develop a shared understanding of and commitment to education for sustainable development policies, strategies, and programs.

Actively promote the integration of education into sustainable development at the local level.

In addition, many individual governments have established committees, boards, advisory councils, and curriculum development projects to discuss education for sustainable development, develop policies and appropriate support structures, programs, and resources, and fund local initiatives.

Indeed, the roots of education for sustainable development are firmly embedded in the environmental education efforts of such groups. Along with global learning, development education, peace education, civic education, human rights education, and multicultural and anti-racist education, all of which are important, environmental education is of particular significance. In its short thirty-year history, modern environmental education has continually sought goals and outcomes similar and comparable to those of the concept of sustainability.

A new vision for education

These numerous initiatives illustrate that the international community now firmly believes that we must use education to promote the values, behaviors, and lifestyles necessary for a sustainable future. Education for sustainable development is now understood as a process of learning to make choices that take into account the long-term future of the economy, ecology, and social well-being of all communities. Building the capacity for such future-oriented thinking is a central task of education.

This represents a new vision of education, one that helps learners better understand the world in which they live and addresses the complexity and interconnectedness of problems such as poverty, wasteful consumption, environmental degradation, urban decay, population growth, gender inequality, health, conflict, and the violation of human rights that threaten our future. This vision of education emphasizes a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to developing the knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable future, as well as changing values, behaviors, and lifestyles. This requires a reorientation of educational systems, policies, and practices to empower everyone, young and old, to make choices and act in culturally appropriate and locally relevant ways to solve the problems that threaten our collective future.


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