Bhaktamar Stotra 45: Antidote For All Dreaded Diseases

Bhaktamar Stotra 45:

उद्भूत-भीषण-जलोदर-भार भुग्नाः 

शोच्यां दशामुपगताश्च्युत-जीविताशाः।

त्वत्पादपङ्कजरजोऽमृत दिग्ध-देहा,

मा भवन्ति मकरध्वज तुल्यरूपाः॥४५॥

They suffered from the burden of emerging terrible abdominal pain

They have reached a sad state and have lost hope of survival

Tvatpadapankajarajaj'amrita digdha-deha,

Let them not be of the same form as the crocodile flag.

असहनीय उत्पन्न हुआ हो, विकट जलोधर पीड़ा भार।

जीने की आश छोड़ी हो, देख दशा दयनीय अपार॥

ऐसे व्याकुल मानव पाकर, तेरी पद-रज संजीवन।

स्वास्थ्य लाभकर बनता उसका, कामदेव सा सुन्दर तन॥४५॥

Unbearable arising, the terrible ascitic pain burden.

You have given up hope of life, seeing the miserable condition.

Finding such an anxious human being, reviving your footsteps.

His body becomes beautiful like Cupid's by gaining health. 

Hey Jinendra! The one who is broken by the burden of the terrible dropsy disease that has arisen, whose condition is very pathetic and whose life is not even expected - such a person, if he irrigates his body with the nectar of your feet, then that man will be disease-free and like Cupid. He becomes beautiful.

Oh god! As soon as you recognize you as pure consciousness, even a terrible disease like falsehood goes away in a moment and the soul itself becomes divine like you in a short time by adopting the unique form of equanimity. There, due to the splendor of your devotion (due to good intentions), if external diseases are eradicated and you get a beautiful form, then what is the big deal in that?

Whose stomach bursts due to ascites, the body has become completely disfigured, cannot even walk, has become in a death-like condition, where no other medicine in the world works - in such a disease or even in terrible diseases like leprosy, Jingunas The one who consumes the glory of medicine, becomes healthy, he gets a beautiful form like Cupid. The example of King Shripal etc. is famous in Puranas for this context. Some people get such situations, some don't even get outside.

Sanatkumar Chakravarti, whose form was praised even by the gods, became a monk and his body was affected by leprosy... But where was he worried about the disease of the body, engrossed in the meditation of Chaitanya? Arey, a god came in the form of a doctor to cure the disease... Then Saint Sanatkumar says - I have to get rid of my future disease. The disease of this body can be eradicated by spitting on the mouth. (He had such an achievement.) In this way, even if diseases come in the body, the righteous soul fearlessly worships the soul.

Many sages have such a benefit that whatever kind of disease is cured by the air that touches their body; Even the dust touched by his feet cures diseases. Only God does not have 'feet'; Diseases are cured by it.

Hey, God! Even the dirt/dust of your feet can cure dangerous diseases, then what is surprising in this that our diseases can be eradicated by keeping you in our heart? Where you sit, there is no disease.

Hey Jindev! With the right faith of the pure Chaitanyatattva told by you - the nectar of knowledge that irrigates its innumerable regions, all the diseases of falsehood are removed and beauty in the form of rightness appears; He attains such a perfect state, completely free from disease. In the middle period, Indra-Kamdev-Chakravarti-Teerthankar etc. divinely-like titles are easily attained without any desire. Bahubali was Kamadeva, Bharata was King Chakravarti, Rishabhdev was Tirthankara, but all of them were the seers of the supersensuous Chaitanyapad, different from the body, and have attained the Siddhapad by worshiping the same.

The goal of a devotee of the Lord is not in virtue, in attachment or in association; Pure soul is only in his goal; He wanders fearlessly in the path of salvation by keeping his pure soul as his goal like God. Divine consciousness is the most beautiful form of the soul. The one who consumes the nectar of whose feet gets it.


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