Bhaktamar Stotra 45: Antidote For All Dreaded Diseases
Bhaktamar Stotra 45 : उद्भूत-भीषण-जलोदर-भार भुग्नाः शोच्यां दशामुपगताश्च्युत-जीविताशाः। त्वत्पादपङ्कजरजोऽमृत दिग्ध-देहा, मा भवन्ति मकरध्वज तुल्यरूपाः॥४५॥ They suffered from the burden of emerging terrible abdominal pain They have reached a sad state and have lost hope of survival Tvatpadapankajarajaj'amrita digdha-deha, Let them not be of the same form as the crocodile flag. असहनीय उत्पन्न हुआ हो, विकट जलोधर पीड़ा भार। जीने की आश छोड़ी हो, देख दशा दयनीय अपार॥ ऐसे व्याकुल मानव पाकर, तेरी पद-रज संजीवन। स्वास्थ्य लाभकर बनता उसका, कामदेव सा सुन्दर तन॥४५॥ Unbearable arising, the terrible ascitic pain burden. You have given up hope of life, seeing the miserable condition. Finding such an anxious human being, reviving your footsteps. His body becomes beautiful like Cupid's by gaining health. Hey Jinendra! The one who is broken by the burden of the terrible dropsy disease that has arisen, whose condition is very pathetic and whose life is not even expected - such a person, if he irr...