What Is Fear - Bhaktamar Mantra Healing
Fear can be of anything it can be of death, loss, ghost, people, height and many other things. Fear depends upon person to person everyone have different fear. It is important to overcome fear otherwise it become hurdle in your life. You can now get free from fear with chanting Bhakatamar Healing Mantra. Fear is an emotion that is fundamental to our survival and occurs in response to anything we feel threatened by, whether real or imagined. It enables us to recognize danger so that we can protect ourselves. In the brain, fear is triggered by a stressful stimulus that triggers a release of chemicals that lead to rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing and tense muscles, among other things, which is known as the "fight-or-flight" response. Fear activates our "fight-or-flight" response, allowing us to flee to escape danger or fight to survive. What are the different forms of fear? There are a variety of forms of fear, including fear of: Places, animals, objects, people, even...